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Session 1

Session Start Date: 3 Kythorn 1493

Session Finish Date: 4 Kythorn 1493

Characters Present

  • Alena

  • Edward

  • Nessa

  • Nicoletta

  • Tulliano


  • Characters had spent the last few days helping the crew of The Voyage prepare for their expedition to Gundarlun.

  • Alena helped Marta the ship cook to gather resources and food supplies, she discovered that Marta is smuggling spices, and that her favourite spice is cubeb.

  • Edward spent time with Meera aboard the ship, and then at local taverns.

  • Nessa spent time with Shandri helping to gather medical supplies.

  • Nicoletta spent time familiarising herself with the captain, and then with Tulliano gathering up a supply of wine.

  • Tulliano spent time people watching, identifying the halfling cabin boy pike as a human girl, then went and bought wine with Nicoletta.

  • The crew and the characters were then treated to a night drinking and eating at The Moonstone Mask, paid for by their employer Dagult Neverember.

  • The characters spoke to members of the crew who were trying to find out more about the expedition they were going on.

  • The Voyage began its expedition, a little over an hour The Devil's Fin began a ramming manoeuvre against The Voyage.

  • With quick action by the characters, the ship missed The Voyage, however the captain and some of the crew were able to board The Voyage.

  • The characters defeated the crew, and the captain of the Devil's Fin, called out to his father for help, who then disappeared in a burst of flame escaping to fight another day.

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