Session 1
Session Start Date: 3 Kythorn 1493
Session Finish Date: 4 Kythorn 1493
Characters Present
Characters had spent the last few days helping the crew of The Voyage prepare for their expedition to Gundarlun.
Alena helped Marta the ship cook to gather resources and food supplies, she discovered that Marta is smuggling spices, and that her favourite spice is cubeb.
Edward spent time with Meera aboard the ship, and then at local taverns.
Nessa spent time with Shandri helping to gather medical supplies.
Nicoletta spent time familiarising herself with the captain, and then with Tulliano gathering up a supply of wine.
Tulliano spent time people watching, identifying the halfling cabin boy pike as a human girl, then went and bought wine with Nicoletta.
The crew and the characters were then treated to a night drinking and eating at The Moonstone Mask, paid for by their employer Dagult Neverember.
The characters spoke to members of the crew who were trying to find out more about the expedition they were going on.
The Voyage began its expedition, a little over an hour The Devil's Fin began a ramming manoeuvre against The Voyage.
With quick action by the characters, the ship missed The Voyage, however the captain and some of the crew were able to board The Voyage.
The characters defeated the crew, and the captain of the Devil's Fin, called out to his father for help, who then disappeared in a burst of flame escaping to fight another day.