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Session 2

Session Start Date: 4 Kythorn 1493

Session Finish Date: 9 Kythorn 1493

Characters Present

  • Alena

  • Edward

  • Nessa

  • Nicoletta

  • Tulliano


  • Following the battle Tulliano adds to the crew in the form of 3 undead thralls: A skeleton, spectre and zombie.

  • Alena gets friendly with the crew

  • Nessa patrols the ship

  • Nicoletta summons her familiar Viscera.

  • The next day Nicoletta finds an envelope attached to the inside of her bedroom door. She shares the contents of that note later that day with Tulliano.

  • Later that night, Edward has a dream of his past life. His dream is interrupted by the Scrab boarding the vessel. The party kill the scrab.

  • The next day the ship encounters aquatic elves, who are friendly and offer to guide the ship through their domain. They explain that they were hunting the scrab as they are becoming more common, as something is driving them inshore.

  • For two days after that the party has strong winds allowing them to travel faster than usual.

  • Edward spots a coracle floating in the water, Nicoletta sends Viscera to examine. While she is doing that, the ship is boarded with a surprise attack by Sahuagin. The attackers are repelled and defeated by the crew. 

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