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Almost Everyone Pays Homage To Someone.

The Sword Coast is home to people from across Toril, and with them, many differing faiths flourish. Whether belonging to the Morndisamman, the Seladrine, or the Faerûnian pantheon they each bring with them deities of varying levels of faith in the region.

Dawn War Pantheon

The Dawn War pantheon is a pantheon of gods worshipped on the worlds of Nerath, Exandria, Toril and other worlds of the multiverse.

Faerûnian Pantheon

The Faerûnian pantheon is the most worshiped pantheon on Faerûn, a continent on Toril.

Lords of the Golden Hills

The Lords of the Golden Hills is the collective name given to the gnome pantheon. It consisted of the gnomish gods that resided on the plane of the Golden Hills, as well as Urdlen.

Unaligned Deities

These deities belong to no known pantheon, but they still possess considerable divine power.


While everyone pays homage to at least one god, not everyone holds each god to the same degree. This is how we track the reputations of each character with individual gods they come across.

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