People People Everywhere
The Sword Coast is full of people from all walks of life, some may be friends or foes, either way, they can all be found here.
Pick Your Location
Pick the location below to see the NPCs encountered so far.
Baldur's Gate
Here you'll find anyone encountered during travels in Baldur's Gate.

Lysara Eltan
The granddaughter of the esteemed Xeremiah Eltan, Lysara represents the new generation of Baldur's Gate nobility.
Here you'll find anyone encountered during travels in Gundbarg.

Asa Stonearm
Asa Stonearm is a Northlander politician from the island of Gundarlun. As part of her duties she serves King Redaxe as an advisor and aid.

Mancer Leed
Mancer Leed is one of a set of twins who owns the Dragon Turtle Inn in Gundbarg. Mancer and his twin both wish to have served in the navy.

Sea Hag
Granny Saltwood
Granny Saltwood is a sea hag who lives in the city of Gundbarg. She lives in a private room with her sea lion cubs in the Saltwood Storehouse.

Horthan Leed
Horthan Leed is one of a set of twins who owns the Dragon Turtle Inn in Gundbarg. Horthan and his twin both wish to have served in the navy.
Here you'll find anyone encountered during travels in Fiskrbak.

Bern Rimewave
Bern Rimewave is a teenager from the settlement of Fiskrbak on Gundarlun. He and his family were attacked and captured by Sahuagin while out fishing.
Here you'll find anyone encountered during travels in Neverwinter.

Dagult Neverember
Lord Protector Dagult Neverember is the ruler of Neverwinter and a powerful member of the Lords' Alliance.

Moonstone Masks
The employees of the Moonstone Mask are dressed in all black, and wear a face covering mask which is decorated with moonstones.

Lanniver Strayl
Sir Lanniver Strayl is a devout adherent of Tyr and one of the most senior members of the Order of the Gauntlet in Neverwinter.

Ophala Cheldarstorn
Ophala Cheldarstorn is the owner and proprietor of the Moonstone Mask in Neverwinter, and a powerful mage in her own right.
The Devil's Fin
Here you'll find anyone encountered during travels aboard The Devil's Fin.

This pirate captain tried to assault The Voyage at the start of its trip to Gundarlun, he was driven back along with his crew by the heroes.

This ogre has so far only been seen from a distance at the helm of The Devil's Fin. She appears to have a prosthetic arm made from an anchor.
The Voyage
Here you'll find anyone encountered during travels aboard The Voyage.

Arveene Greysail
Captain Arveene Greysail, is the uncompromising captain of The Voyage tasked with aiding in Gundarlun investigation.
Shandri Dundragon
Shandri Dundragon is an acolyte of Helm assigned to The Voyage by the Order of the Gauntlet to protect the crew.

Lira Swiftshadow
Lira Swiftshadow is the methodical and unwavering tiefling quartermaster aboard The Voyage.

Sylvester Moonweaver
Sylvester Moonweaver is the aloof navigator aboard The Voyage, preferring to remain in his own company than socialise.
Water Genasi
Meera Saltspray
Meera Saltspray is a water genasi sailor aboard The Voyage. Meera is incredibly superstitious about the ocean.

Stor Hornraven
Stor Hornraven is an Illuskan messenger who brought news of the disturbance from Gundarlune for King Redaxe.

Korrigan Stormweather
Korrigan is the first mate of The Voyage. Korrigan is jovial and often serves as a go between for the captain and the crew.

Air Genasi
Zephyr is a free-spirited air genasi and boatswain aboard The Voyage, her free-spirited nature often works against her.

Kraz is the gentle giant aboard The Voyage, serving as the ship's rigger he spends a lot of time on the main deck.

Pike is the halfling cabin boy aboard The Voyage. In truth, Pike is a human girl, the crew is waiting for her to reveal it.

Quara Alassandar
Quara Alassandar is a half-elven adventurer who has joined the expedition to Guldarun at the behest of Dagult Neverember.

Thorgrim Deepwater
Thorgrim Deephammer is the helmsman of The Voyage. Despite his gruff persona he is the first to defend an ally.

Marta "Spice" Greeleaf
Marta Greenleaf is a halfling cook aboard The Voyage she also holds the unofficial position of ship "Mum".
Finn Driftwood
Finn Driftwood is the human carpentar aboard The Voyage, he is witty and well liked by his crew mates on the ship.

Vex Stormweaver
Vex Stormweaver was a dragonborn wizard serving aboard The Voyage as the ship's mage.